Welcome to the Second Site compilation of the "Steeves and Related Families" database.

This version of the database only contains those individuals who are known to be deceased (or strongly expected to be based on their birth date). To maintain confidentiality, individuals in subsequent generations are not listed.

The concentration of individuals in this database are ancestors from Germany, Canada (New Brunswick) and the North Eastern United States. Over 10,200 individuals are listed.

The key surnames in the database include:

Surname Number of Individuals
Colpitts 190
Dawson 110
Duffy 110
Jonah 200
Lutes & variations 255
Milton 140
Mitton 105
Smith 205
Steeves & variations 3000
Trites 135
Wilson 100

We'd be pleased to hear from other researchers of these families. You can contact us at <a href="mailto:roselylemc@gmail.com?subject=Steeves%20Genealogy">roselylemc@gmail.com

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